Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Response to Khalaf post about the 'AGENDA'

I think that the purported election laws and the leaked news about the cancellation of the mandatory membership in the press association were the two reasons behind keeping the agenda articles obfuscated.Let us be realistic, it is almost impossible to implement any of the agenda's recommendations even if you have all the best intentions in the world.

Let us go over some of the recommendations and see how they fair up against the existing circumstances.

* Comprehensive universal health insurance for everyone in the nation by 2012. Give me a break, how much is that going to cost and who is going to fund it ?

* The creation of 600000 job opportunity.MMMMM Sure! How? In what field?

*Reduce unemployment from 14% to 6.8%. Read the item above, they go hand in hand with one another.

* Reduce poverty from 14% to 10%. This is possible with continued growth and money brought in by expatriates working in the Gulf.

* Increase annual income per capita from JD1500 to JD 2400. Well, I'm not so sure about this one either, if it hasn't happened during the past decade why would it happen now.

* Equal rights for both sexes by the year 2015. This one makes me laugh, it will happen when the salt bloom.

* Convert the budget deficit to budget surplus by the year 2017. This one also makes me laugh real loud. With so many thieves stealing everything including toilet tissue, I have serious doubts about any budget surpluses.

* Increase economic growth to 7.2%. Call me crazy on this one but I honestly think that it is achievable.

* Reduce external debt from 91% to 36% LoLLLLLLLLLL for that one.

* Increase spending on research. May be it will happen , by a small margin.


Rami said...


The agenda, as all previously proposed reforms, as I see it, are just away to buy some foreign grants.

Where do these go, no one could ever know! you can find them on the budget, but you can never find them in the real world.

Hatem Abunimeh said...

Is that you in the headdress?! I would have never guessed. I thought that you look like the typical Shemisani guys.

Any way, regarding the agenda, I don't know what to think any more, I guess honesty is turning into a precious commodity that is hard to come by these days.

Sooner rather than than later the snow will melt and we will see the earth below the snow. Regards.

Rami said...

Sure its me, and trust me, am not a shemisani kid, as you name them.