Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Writers, Artists, Maestros.

The following text is a translated article from Arabic into English, it was translated by Hatem Abunimeh

Creative rituals for the artists and scholars : The strange methods of invoking the revelations are closer to insanity.

The American novelist Mark Twain used to look for a bed before he starts writing, he considered the bed a special condition that has cerebral images similar to a dream.

When the German poet Schiller wanted to be creative, he adhered to the smell of apple, he used to preserve rotten apple in his office to establish the voluptuous relationship between him and the creativity..

Many creative people find themselves hostages to habits that appear to be strange and amusing to others, this is especially true during the moment of translating creativity into written material. The creative people practice different tricks in order for them to explode their inner energy and activate their thoughts.

Some of them live under the auspices of addictive habits and conditions and surround themselves within, and thought it they feel that they will get the inspiration to hover over the world of writing.

That is what pushed the Lebanese novelist Ameen Mallof to abandon his family for years escaping to an island dedicated for things he wanted to author. And made the Algerian writer Ahlam Mustghnemi to change her telephone number, live in isolation, then travel to a new country where no one knows her so she can be saved by her novel "Bed crossing"

Those that are concerned about these rituals consider them unorthodox, the creative person seizes the moment to get out the real motive behind the idea that is causing the crazy condition in order to snatch himself from the prevailing anxiety that precedes writing.

Some psychologists classify writing as if it is " cerebral action" and see it for many as " a saving action from a deadly melancholy" . In a dossier published in the French magazine " Leer" , the psychoanalyst Christopher Andrea, confirms about the writing rituals amongst the creative and the Maestro that " Authentic relationship between phobia and creativity", as both have symptoms of excessive sensitivity, as writing on one hand is a success and on the other is a failure.

Failure insofar as to adapt to the performance, and success in finding a suitable alternative. And in this sequence, the writer Fakhri Kawar confirms that writing the story necessitates a place outside ones home if it is available, however, if it isn't then writing begins after all the family members go to sleep.

I shut the television set off, and the radio off, and then try to reach to the highest degree of silence. Fakhri stated. He adds, the writer love for attentiveness, precision, makes us lean towards slow careful thinking in every word, in every expression, and in every discussing sentence, and in every stand.

He points out that writing the newspaper article takes place during a period of television broadcast, during the presence of a guest, or during answering the phone : "We don't feel the pressure of writing newspaper article the same way we feel it when we write a novel" there is a vast area or long distance between creative work and journalistic work.

The narrator Jamilah Amayreh professes that for every writer "a special mood" that imposes itself and its conditions on its owner, she finds in quiet and in isolationism important conditions to fashion her creativity. According to Amayreh, " all the seasons before creativity are the same" but she is content with writing in the early morning, and defers any creative work for that time.

The novelist Hashem Gharaybeh confirms that he writes whenever he finds desire for writing, without putting himself in any particular ambiance or specific rituals. He prefers to translate his creative work sitting by the kitchen table, especially during winter season, as the coffee and tea requirements are within reach, and the place is warm, and he adds music as a permanent companion in the house. In that type of atmosphere, I'm able to write much more effectively. Commonly, Gharaybeh writes his thoughts or ideas that quickly dissipate on a note paper, it could go away but he quickly retrieves them. Ten years ago, Gharaybeh used to have penchant for writing with a pencil on yellow paper, according to him, but after using the computer he started using the paper utensils for notes only.

I don't get discouraged by interruption, noise, muddling, and my thoughts don't get downgraded and I continue with it irrespective of the outside influences. He confesses that his production in winter is more than in the summer, I don't know why. He clarifies. It is possible that winter gives me the warmth and inspiration to write, and its long nights gives me enough time to contemplate.

The following is the original Arabic text, it was published in today's edition of Alghad newspaper. 2/28/2006.

طقوس الإبداع لدى الأدباء والفنانين: استحضار الإلهام بطرق غرائبية أقرب إلى الجنون

كوكب حناحنة
عمّان- كان الروائي الأميركي مارك توين يبحث عن سرير قبل أن يبدأ الكتابة، وكان يعد السرير حالة خاصة تتمثل فيه الصور العقلية الشبيهة بالحلم، في حين التصق الابداع لدى الشاعر الألماني شيلر برائحة التفاح وكان يحتفظ بتفاح متعفن في مكتبه لاقامة تلك العلاقة الحسية بينه وبين الإبداع.
ويجد الكثير من المبدعين أنفسهم أسرى عادات قد تبدو بالنسبة لسواهم غريبة وطريفة، وخصوصا لحظة ترجمة الإبداع على الورق، إذ يمارس المبدعون حيلا مختلفة في سبيل تفجير طاقاتهم الداخلية وتنشيط افكارهم.
ومن هؤلاء من يعيش في كنف عادات أدمنها وشروط أحاط نفسه بها يتلمس من خلالها حالات من الإلهام للتحليق في عالم الكتابة. وهذا ما دفع الروائي اللبناني أمين معلوف ليهجر عائلته سنوات هاربا إلى جزيرة نائية ينقطع فيها للتأليف، وجعل الكاتبة الجزائرية أحلام مستغانمي تغير أرقام هواتفها وتتقوقع في عزلتها ثم تقرر السفر إلى بلد جديد لا يعرفها فيها احد كي تنجو بروايتها "عابر سرير".
ويصف مهتمون هذه الطقوس بأنها تعبير عن ظروف غير تقليدية، يسرق فيها المبدع من حالة الجنون الدافع الحقيقي للفكرة لينزع حالة القلق التي تسيطر عليه قبل الكتابة.
ويصنف بعض الأطباء النفسيين الكتابة على انها "فعل عصابي" ويرون انها للكثيرين "فعل إنقاذ من سوداوية قاتلة".
ويؤكد المحلل النفسي كريستوف اندريه في ملف نشرته مجلة "لير" الفرنسية عن طقوس الكتابة عند المبدعين والفنانين ان "العلاقة وثيقة بين الابداع والفوبيا"، كما أن الاثنين من عوارض الحساسية المفرطة، "فالكتابة هي من ناحية فشل ومن ناحية أخرى نجاح. إنها دليل فشل في التكيف مع الفعل ونجاح في ايجاد التعويض المناسب".
وفي هذا السياق، يؤكد الكاتب فخري قعوار بأن كتابة القصة تحتاج إلى مكان خارج المنزل اذا كان متوفرا، واذا لم يتوفر فالكتابة عنده تبدأ بعد نوم أفراد الأسرة كافة، وأثناء ذلك "أغلق شاشة التلفزيون والمحطة الاذاعية، وأحاول الوصول إلى أعلى درجات الصمت".
ويزيد" إلا أن محبة الكاتب للدقة والمواظبة على سلامة الشخصيات والوقائع، تجعلنا نميل الى التباطؤ والتفكير في كل كلمة وفي كل عبارة وفي كل جملة حوارية وفي كل موقف.
ويشير إلى أن كتابة المقالة الصحافية تحدث أحيانا بوجود أحد الضيوف وأثناء البث التلفزيوني، وأثناء الرد على الهاتف، إذ "لا نشعر أن كتابة المقالة تحتاج لمثل هذا التركيز الذي تتطلبه كتابة القصة، لأن الفرق بين العمل الإبداعي والعمل الصحافي يكاد يكون بينهما مساحة شاسعة أو مسافة طويلة".
وتقر القاصة جميلة عمايرة بـ "أن لكل كاتب مزاجا خاصا" يفرض حالته وشروطه على صاحبه. وتجد في العزلة والهدوء شروط مهمة لصياغة إبداعها.
وبحسب عمايرة فإن "كل الفصول أمام حالة الإبداع سواء، ولكنني أكتفي بالكتابة في ساعات الصباح الباكر، وأؤجل أي فعل ابداعي إلى هذا الوقت".
ويؤكد الروائي هاشم غرايبة بأنه اذا وجد الرغبة في الكتابة يكتب، من دون أن يضع لنفسه جوا خاصا وطقوسا معينة. ويفضل اثناء ترجمة ابداعاته الجلوس على طاولة المطبخ، وبخاصة في فصل الشتاء،"حيث أدوات القهوة والشاي في متناول يديّ، والمكان دافىء". ويضيف "الموسيقى رفيق دائم في البيت، وبهذه الأجواء أستطيع الكتابة بفعالية أكثر".
وعادة ما يدون غرايبة خواطره وأفكاره التي تمر سريعا على قصاصات من الورق، "لكنها قد تختفي لكنني سرعان ما أسترجعها".
وكان غرايبة وقبل عشر سنوات، كما يقول، مولعا بالكتابة على الورق الأصفر وقلم الرصاص، ولكن بعد استخدامه جهاز الكمبيوتر اضحى يستخدم هذه الأدوات لتدوين الملاحظات فقط. وفي غضون ذلك، "لا تضيرني أجواء المقاطعة والتشويش او الضجة، ولا يطاح بأفكاري واتواصل معها من دون التأثر بالمؤثرات الخارجية". ويعترف بأن نتاجه في فصل الشتاء أكثر من الصيف، موضحا" لا أعرف لماذا؟ قد يمنحني الشتاء الدفء والإيحاء بالكتابة، وقد يمنحني ليله الطويل وقتا كافيا للتأمل"

Professor Sami Al-Arian


Topic: Al-Arian reflects on past three years
Name: Hatem Abunimeh
Email: habunimeh@yahoo.com
Location: University Of Illinois
Occupation: Associate Director

Comment: I'm not sure whose interest is being served by keeping Dr.Al-Arian in jail ! The American people Tax dollars arebeing wasted on litigation that is totally and completelybaseless.When 10 out of 12 jurors rule that the defendant isn'tguilty, I don't know how much more needs to be said aftertha! t. Trying the case once again for the residual chargesis another attempt at wasting more time and money fornothing.The American Justice system is a fair system, it willeventually prevail no matter how long the case will last.The same way Dr.Al-Arian was found not guilty the firsttime around, the same way he will be found not guilty thesecond time.I have always maintained in my mind that this man isinnocent, there was no way on earth that he wouldjeopardize his academic career, or trade his stablefamily life in return for aiding terrorism, the factsdon't add up and the circumstances are highlysuspicious.Being pro Palestinians is not against the law, helpingpoor people isn't against the law, and speaking upagainst injustices toward the Palestinian people isn'tagainst the law either.That is what Dr.Al Arian was all about : He is an avidPalestinian rights advocate, who amongst us that isfamili! ar with all the injustices that are beingperpetrated against the Palestinian people on a dailybasis isn't going to stand up for them !?Dr.Al Arian is a good law abiding citizen, he is a goodfamily man, he excelled in his professional as well ashis academic lives, his proven track record ofaccomplishment speak for itself.A charge against him of guilt by association isn't goingto cut it, so what the guy knew an acquaintance of histhat turned up to be Jihad organization leader? How manypeople that turn up to be criminals and have theirpictures taken with current Presidents and formerPresidents? Just because someone knows someone that turnup to be criminal doesn't mean that they are accomplicesor partners in mischief.The government ought to save our tax payers dollars andset Dr.Al Arian and his codefendants free. The longer helingers in jail the more that he will be deprived of hisright to life liberty ! and the pursuit of happiness, thebasic fundamentals found in our constitution.Something that we take for granted and something that wedon't wish for any American to be deprived of, be thatDr. Al Arian or anyone else. The America that I know, theland of the free should set Dr.AlArian free without anydelay.We all are familiar with the cliché : If it walks like aduck, quacks like one...and you know the rest. Dr. AlArian innocence is just like that duck, it is written all overthe place but for some reason our beloved governmentchose to look the other way.
Hatem Abunimeh
University of Illinois

Monday, February 27, 2006

Encroachment On Press Freedom

In a decision that couldn't be justified by politics, common good, or logic, an unknown governmental side ( we don't know who made the decision) prevented the press yesterday from covering the return of the Jordanian citizen Mahmoud Saidat to Amman after the state succeeded in liberating him from his captors in Iraq as a result of an exhaustive effort that deserves lauding.

The governmental side allowed only the official governmental media representatives to cover the event. However, the other private journalists waited in front of Marka Airport, only to return to their news rooms empty handed.

The decision to prohibit the journalists from covering the event; which is of paramount importance is wrong, and an encroachment on the right of the press to pursue events that are tied to the common good.

It is a decision that is incongruent with the government's declared position in wanting to cooperate with the press and remove the obstacles before them, so in order for the press to be able to pursue its work truthfully and professionally.

How will this decision to prohibit endears the governmental declared position of open state institutions for media apparatus. In addition, what would the government had done had the daily papers refused to cover the event as a result of the encroachment on its rights, it would have gotten angry, blame the press, and accuse them of not fulfilling their duties toward the society.

But the newspapers didn't do that, the newspapers fathom the rights of their readers, and the rights of the nation on the newspaper, sort of not to let them down. The country have the right through its media to celebrate the saving of a citizen from the imminent danger of gaping death, saved only by unique performance of his majesty the king with the help of of other state institutions that were able to pull it off.

Because of that, the Jordanian press gave the event of safe return of Mr. Saidat to his family and his country the diligent pursuance and the coverage it deserves. The government is requested to stop making arbitrary and heavy handed decisions in its discourse with the media means.

The government needs the media as much as the media needs the government. The mutual relationship between the two of them must be built on objective professional frame, governed by law, and by practices that adheres to the principal of democracy, and the exigencies of respect, and the right of the press freedom to retrieve the information without hindrance, and passing the information to the reader without hindrance too.


Ayman Safadi

Translated from Arabic by Hatem Abunimeh.
It isn't my intent to translate any positive or negative piece, I like to translate whatever it is as accurately as possible, based on the way it is written. I don't necessarily agree with the content appearing in my translations. I don't seek to influence anybody, nor do I speculate about the motive of the original writer. What I do in terms of translation is strictly a hobby of mine I like to exercise it on an ongoing basis. I don't get paid for my translation work, nor do I receive any funding from any organization or corporation. All the translation work is solely based on my own endeavor. Hatem Abunimeh.

تجاوز على حرية الصحافة2006-02-26
في قرار لا تبرره سياسة أو مصلحة أو منطق، منعت جهات حكومية (لا نعرف من اتخذ القرار) الصحافيين أمس من تغطية عودة المواطن محمود السعيدات إلى عمان بعد أن نجحت الدولة في تحريره من خاطفيه في العراق إثر ما بذلته من جهود مضنية تستحق التقدير.
لم تسمح الجهات الحكومية المعنية إلا لممثلي الإعلام الرسمي بتغطية الحدث. أما ممثلو الصحف ووسائل الإعلام الأخرى، فقد انتظروا لساعات أمام مطار ماركا، ليعودوا بعد ذلك إلى صحفهم بخفّي حنين.
قرار منع الصحافيين من تغطية حدث بتلك الأهمية خاطئ وتجاوز على حق الصحافة في متابعة الأحداث المرتبطة بالشأن العام. وهو قرار لا ينسجم مع موقف الحكومة المعلن في التعاون مع الصحافة وإزالة العوائق أمام تأديتها عملها بمهنية وحرفية وصدقية.
فكيف ستكون الصحافة مهنية ومقنعة لقارئها ومشاهدها وهي تحرم حقها في متابعة الأحداث؟ وكيف يمكن لقرار المنع هذا أن يعزز صدقية القول الحكومي المؤكِّد دائماً انفتاح مؤسسات الدولة على وسائل الإعلام؟
اضافة إلى ذلك، ماذا كانت ستفعل الحكومة لو قررت الصحف اليومية عدم تغطية الحدث في ردة فعل على تجاوز حقوقها؟ كانت ستعتب، وستغضب، وستتهم الصحافة بعدم القيام بواجبها تجاه المجتمع.
لكن الصحف لم تفعل ذلك. فلقارئها عليها حق. ولوطنها عليها حق. للقارئ حق الحصول على المعلومة من وسائل إعلامه. وللوطن على الصحافة حق الاحتفال بإنقاذ مواطن من خطر موت محدق من خلال أداء متميز تابعه جلالة الملك وتعاونت كل مؤسسات الدولة المعنية على انجازه. بسبب ذلك، أعطت الصحافة الأردنية حدث عودة السعيدات إلى أهله ووطنه ما يستحق من تغطية ومتابعة.
بيد أنه مطلوب من الحكومة أن تتوقف عن اتخاذ قرارات اعتباطية وفوقية في تعاملها مع وسائل الإعلام.
فالحكومة تحتاج الإعلام بنفس القدر الذي يحتاج فيه الإعلام الحكومة. ويجب أن تتسم علاقة الطرفين بوضوح مرتكز إلى أطر مهنية موضوعية محكومة بالقانون والممارسات الملتزمة بالعملية الديمقراطية وما تتطلب من احترام حق الصحافة في الوصول الى المعلومة بحرية، ونقلها للقارئ، أيضا بحرية.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

diametrically opposite

Notwithstanding the extra ordinary zeal, Jordan isn't Palestine and Palestine isn't Jordan. The Isalmists had their opportunity to capture the legislative branch during the 1989 election, long before the current election law was put in place, all they were able to accomplish was a meager 12% of the vote, even if we double that number to fit the current set of circumstances it would give the Islamists a 24% of the vote, well short of what they received in Palestine.

Jordan is an independent and sovereign state, it has a constitution and well established governmental institutions, Palestine on the contrary is still under occupation and doesn't enjoy and of the privileges that exist in Jordan.

The leadership in Jordan differs from that in Palestine, the Hashemites are widely popular and they enjoy the traditional tribal support, the perks that the people receive from the government outweigh the risk of doing away with it.

The Islamists of Jordan are an integral part of the regime and not a separate renegade mavericks seeking to change the regime, in Palestine Hamas was out to defeat Fateh because it wants to tip the balance in its favor.

While nepotism and corruption are present in Jordan it isn't as rampant the way it was festering in Palestine. The people of Palestine do want change, the people of Jordan including Islamists don't want any change, they are very comfortable with the status quo.

They do want reform which is half of the equation but they don't want the change which is the other half of the equation. Unlike the people of Palestine the people in Jordan don't feel the tremendous occupation pressure.

Jordanian citizens are free to do just about anything they want without the fear of being prosecuted and persecuted for it. They come and go as they please, they import and export, they open up business and travel abroad, and build properties, and so on and so forth. These taken for granted conditions don't exist in Palestine, one can't go from village to the next village without encountering all kinds of obstacles.

Even if free, fair, and transparent elections were to be held today in Jordan, the Islamists aren't going to score big the way the did in Palestine, the two sets of circumstances are diametrically opposite from one another.

It is naive to think that just because Hamas won in Palestine it is going to win in Jordan, there is no evidence to support this claim none whatsoever.